Monday 25 July 2016

부산행 영어 리뷰 - Train to Busan Movie non-spoiler Review

부산행 (Busan Train or Train to Busan) : World War Z meets Snowpiercer?

The hype around this movie began picking up speed in May after it was heavily praised at the Cannes Film Festival. Since then, adverts are appearing on buses (not a trailer I'd want to spot while on the train) and it finally pulled in to cinemas last weekend. Many of the comparisons I heard before my viewing claimed 부산행 was the Korean World War Z however it's a movie that managed to follow some of the more traditional tropes of the genre. While I or the people I watched it with wouldn't label it a great movie, it was definitely fun and all of us left the theatre entertained.

If you do plan to catch it in the theatres, we could not find any that provided English subtitles. Regardless, the movie was easy-to-follow and, aside from one or two wordy scenes, subtitles were very much unnecessary if you know the following three phrases:

빨리 가! - Bbali Ga! - (Go Fast) HURRY!
빨리 와! - Bbali Wha! - (Come Fast) HURRY!
가지마! - Ga je ma! - (Don't go) Don't go!

The action definitely had a WWZ vibe, there were thrills, spills, no automobiles and one sequence had a hint of Snowpiercer. The characters were interesting throughout and there were a few laughs scattered within, pacing the tension well.

Thursday 9 June 2016

The Korean Zombie Movie - 부산행 영화 영어 Trailer

KAEB hasn't been this excited for a Zombie Movie for some time. The trailer for 부산행 (Busan Train) clearly has a World War Z vibe to it and hopefully it can replicate some of the finer points of that movie. The trailer seems to place the entire movie on the train (if the clue wasn't in the title) - it will be interesting to see how this affects the pace of the movie. World War Z, in comparison, visits practically every continent on the globe. 

If you haven't seen the trailer you can find it HERE

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Maggie (2015) Review: Not Your Typical Zombie Movie

Film: Maggie
Director: Henry Hobson
Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Abigail Breslin
Release: 2015

KAEB Rating: 7/10


Arnold Schwarzenegger. Zombies. Surely, grudge match of the century? For those of us that love the more action-orientated Z movies (so, all of us, right?) this is the ultimate team-up. Arnie, crushing puny zombie skulls with his biceps, n'yarh! It's certainly a drool-inspiring thought but it's not what the makers of Maggie had in mind. The movie attracted a fair amount of negativity because of this. Now, I'll be the first to say; everyone is entitled to their opinion and every review is valuable. But the negative reviews about this film are wrong. And stupid. Call me childish but... Screw you! Heh, seriously though. This movie, while not what we expected in the slightest, is remarkable.

News about this small movie did huge rounds on social media once Arnie was announced. It was cited he took this movie in the hopes to branch out from his Hollywood-Action-Epic corner and undertake something that could stretch his acting comfort zone. Some doubt circulated, pre and post film, though I thought his performance was great - it is said he hired a 'drama coach' just for this movie. Dedication. While the buzz followed Arnie, do not forget about Oscar-nominated Abigail Breslin, taking the role of title character Maggie.


In my eyes it was this early movie hype around Big Arnold that has brought it such critical reviews. Many, as I initially did, took "Arnold Schwarzenegger" + "Zombies" + "Head popping" and never looked into the movie again until release date. A quick glance at the trailer would show anyone interested: this is not an action movie. It's a gripping narrative based on a father's fear of losing his daughter and the probable eventuality he may have to do it himself. The movie latches on to this fear. Everyone around the two are fearful of Maggie, fearful of what she is becoming, and all argue with Wade Vogel that the time is nigh for Maggie's... Termination. It focuses on the human connection - something TV series The Walking Dead renowned for. The movie can be slow in parts and the actionnever really explodes but this builds to a gripping narrative that never leaves the characters. Sure, I would have loved for Big A to get his hands on the nearest farming tool (Scythe. Please get the scythe) but it isn't the point of this movie.

*Spoiler in this paragraph - why the casting of Schwarzenegger was genius*
This called for some to ask why Schwarzenegger was cast in the first place but the casting is perfect. This is an actor that sweats power. Strength is his middle-name, all four of them. Near the start of the movie, in perhaps it's one true zombie action scene, he encounters one of them in a rest-stop bathroom and finishes it quickly. The man is a mountain of muscle and calmness and we can see this farmer for the hard grafting man he is. We then spend the rest of this movie watching this indomitable, unbeatable titan be corroded and worn down by his daughter's sickness. No matter how powerful a father is, the slow loss of his daughter is something he can not fight and defeat.
*Spoiler in this paragraph*

Provided that slow, gritty dramas are your thing, I'd recommend this movie to you. It had that Walking Dead character vibe to it. It does stutter at times and take longer than need be but it is a small criticism and one that carries no weight here. The majority of negative reviews about this movie come from people who expected Terminator and got an actor stretching his acting chops, and doing a good job at it too.
