Monday 27 August 2012

ZombieLand Rules

I watched this immense film again today. Having a set code, or a list of rules, IS a far better way of going about things than an exact plan. It is impossible to plan for every situation and every scenario that will befall us come Z-Day. To have a set of guidelines will aid you in this.

The Zombieland list (below) is incomplete but the ones we do see are all very good tips. Over the next week or so I'll add my own and see what's left at the end!

Rule #1: Cardio
- Fatties are the first to go.
Rule #2: Double Tap
- Ankle chewers are just evil leprechauns. 
Rule #3: Beware of Bathrooms
- Go as nature intended!
Rule #4: Seatbelts
- Just safer, even after the end of the world.
Rule #7: Travel Light
- You still need to be faster than the fatties.
Rule #17: Do/Don't be a Hero
- Chicks dig heroes/Who needs women, anyway?
Rule #18: Limber Up
- The gazelle didn't limber up. That was the problem.
Rule #22: When In Doubt, Know Your Way Out
- If you're in a maze, you're fucked.
Rule #31: Check The Back Seat
- Nothing worse than a hungry hitch-hiker.
Rule #32: Enjoy The Little Things
- It's in the pre-apocalypse list too!

Slay Safe,

Thursday 23 August 2012

Journal Page #42


Whoever finds this will know I'm a fucking idiot that made a ridiculous mistake. I blocked the door with a desk and filing cabinet but, judging how many bangs and scratches there are on the other side, it might not do much good. I'd say it's hard to believe that two inches of cheap wood is all that separates me from being dinner, but it isn't. The irony of it is I came here looking for food. All I can do now is sit, and wait, and hope they get distracted by something, anything...

Wednesday 22 August 2012

That Dreaded First Post

Hello, non-existent readers! My name is Merke ('The Merke Man', 'Sir. Awesome', 'Damn-He-Hot!' are all acceptable alternatives) and welcome to Kicking Arse and Eating Brains.

An awesome introduction post is a requirement to any blog and K.A.E.B is no exception. I only expect to see you here if you're trolling through the post history, bored and lonely in life, wondering through the internet timeline, searching for some source of anything to tide over your procrastination. Well, here it is for you, and I've even structured it in a nice Q&A style for your reading benefit. Sit back, crack open a Dr. Pepper, and enjoy.

Who are you, Merke?

I think the most modest way to sum me up would be to say that I am the embodiment of awesome... Next question! ... What do you mean that isn't enough =( Damnittt!
Fine fine. I'm a gamer currently living in the south of England. At the time of writing, I work as a barman on my weekends and study hard (pff. yeah!) during the weeks at university. I like moonlit walks along the beach, getting caught in the rain, and Dr. Pepper...

Kicking Arse and Eating Brains?

Well, the name idea was actually my friends who said the "kicking ass and taking names" line. I thought a little deviation from the norm was needed, especially to make it relate to the actual theme of the blog. What is the theme? The undead in all their glory. The shamblers, crawlers, stumblers, unarmed (Oh he's got an arm off!!!) and even the evil running fuckers. The reason for starting is that I've been plagued (see what I did there?) by zombie nightmares for the last few weeks and I wanted a place to perhaps jot a few of them down. They may be handy to analyse and integrate into my survival tactics... It's funny, because I'm not even joking... =D


Ideally, I want to have a new post up every other day, with one larger post containing a story or something similar, once a week. Once I have millions of readers, we could try some give-aways, competitions and the like, before we all band together for domination of... A small, uninhabited island somewhere. Yeah...

=D Ultimately, I'll write regardless of if it's read or not. Though thank you to anyone that takes the time out to read my ramblings; I hope it brings some sunshine to your life... Heh. Heh. 

Slay Safe,