Sunday 7 October 2012

Why do Zombies never finish a meal?

Why do Zombies never finish a meal if they're so hungry(bro)?
*Submitted by Mr K

   I'm not ashamed to admit that I giggled like a randy school girl when I heard this one; it's something I've never actually thought about in depth before. It is true though - think of every Zombie film you've ever seen and the massive horde that descend upon that poor (see: stupid) survivor always manage to leave them intact so that they are recognisable on their shock appearance later on. You'd think the Zombies would finish what's in front of them before making a move on their next prey.

  This question did get me thinking and I do have a few answers (opinions) for you. I couldn't settle on just one so I've put them in order of my favourite to least favourite.

*They can't swallow (heh.)
   Think about The Traditional Zombie, in the sense that they reanimate because a small section of their brain continues to function, the section that contains the very primal instincts for survival. Essentially the reason they're so fucking bro hungry all the time. On that merit, the rest of the Zombies body is dead and no longer functioning. I doubt they can swallow, and even if they can, they are most certainly no longer able to break down food. Therefore what they do eat simply piles up in their mouths/throats until they can fit no more in. I spreckon a sort of frustration kicks in over the fact that their hunger is not being sated and they move on in search of a more nourishing treat. Plausible, no?

*They're not cannibals (irony, right)
   It's the bite that brings you back but first you have to die. Even while being snacked on, it does take a little time to bleed out and a little while more after that to start mumbling "brains". Perhaps once the Zombies realise that what they're feasting on is actually one of their Zombros, they 'think' (buhuhaha *wipes tear away*) better of it.

*They're more interested in the chase
   Zombies are meant to regress into animals. Well. That's the social satire side of it anyway, you know, the devolution of man (super serial post on the subject incoming) and all that jazz. Whenever I've seen a dog take down a rabbit, a cat down a bird or my hamster attack my ex girlfriend they very rarely stick around after to eat their victims... It's just in their nature to hunt.

I hope they sated your question anyway bro!

Bottom Line: When a buddy goes down, or you cap Otis in the leg to cover your escape, don't hang around. The Zombie is a fussy eater and it won't take long for him to decide that you look the tastier option. Get the fuck out of there!

Slay Safe,

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