Tuesday 13 October 2015

It's been a while since I brushed the cobwebs from this cold, dark, wonderful place and unleash my fettered ego upon my two readers from Estonia who constantly come back for more... This past year has been such a huge chapter of my eventual autobiography - available at all good book shops everywhere in the distant future - that Kicking Arse and Eating Brains hasn't been on my mind much at all.

This is an outrage!

My mid-year resolution is to write once a week. Many people do once a day but I'm more of an all-or-nothing guy. I can't smash out a new idea once a day and I'd need to finish whatever I do write in one sitting. Any who, let's grease up the monkey and--

Yeah. Not going to finish that sentence.

My apologies in advance but I've recently started playing Dungeons and Dragons again. For those of you that are too hip and cool, I thoroughly recommend it despite all the basement-dwelling geek stereotypes it's attributed with. Most DnD players I know are rolling in the dolla and ladies. Must be that high Charisma Score... Naha. You'd get it if you played. Loser.

My point being - consistent content but not all of it on theme.

Slay Safe,

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